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The Homeschool Solutions Show
Charlotte Mason Show
Julie Ross
S7 E22 | Why Our Nation Needs a Charlotte Mason Education (Julie Ross with Shay Kemp)
S7 E20 | A Wide and Generous Feast in High School | Virtual Book Club: A Philosophy of Education (Julie Ross with Shay Kemp)
S6 E18 | A Liberal Education for Elementary and Secondary Schools | Virtual Book Club: A Philosophy of Education (Julie Ross with Shay Kemp)
S7 E16 | Knowledge of the Universe | Virtual Book Club: A Philosophy of Education (Julie Ross with Shay Kemp)
S7 E14 | Add in the Routines of Morning Time and Tea Time to Enrich Your Homeschool (Julie Ross) | REPLAY
S7 E12 | The Knowledge of Man, Part 2 | Virtual Book Club: A Philosophy of Education, Chapter 10 (Julie Ross with Shay Kemp)
S7 E10 | Three Tips to Recharge Your Homeschool (Julie Ross)
S7 E8 | Knowledge of Man, History, and Citizenship | Virtual Book Club: A Philosophy of Education, Chapter 10 (Julie Ross with Shay Kemp)
S7 E6 | The Radical and Modern Philosophy of Charlotte Mason (Julie Ross with Leah Boden)
S7 E4 | Knowledge of God | Virtual Book Club: A Philosophy of Education, Chapter 10 (Julie Ross with Shay Kemp)
S7 E2 | Three Reasons Traditional Goal Setting Doesn't Work (Julie Ross)
S7 E1 | Why You Should Attend a Homeschool Convention (Julie Ross & Jeannie Fulbright)
S6 E29 | Homeschooling Through the Holidays (Julie Ross)
S6 E27 | The 8 Mindsets Essential for Success in Life and Learning (Julie Ross with Michelle Brownell)
S6 E25 | Reason Can Be SO Unreasonable! | Virtual Book Club: A Philosophy of Education, Chapter 9 (Julie Ross with Shay Kemp)
S6 E23 | Where There's a Will There's a Way | Virtual Book Club: A Philosophy of Education, Chapter 8 (Julie Ross with Shay Kemp)
S6 E21 | Teaching Letters and Sounds (Julie Ross)
S6 E20 | Starting Your School Year on the Right Foot (Julie Ross & Jeannie Fulbright)
S6 E18 | Homeschooling Through Life's Challenges: Adoption (Julie Ross with Rebecca Butcher)
S6 E16 | We Have Minds for a Reason | Virtual Book Club: A Philosophy of Education, Chapter 7 (Julie Ross with Shay Kemp)
S6 E14 | Homeschooling Through Life’s Challenges: Medical Crisis (Julie Ross with Ella Savchuk of Schoolhouse Grace)
S6 E12 | Homeschooling Through Life’s Challenges: Toddlers (Julie Ross with Lyndsey Mimnagh of Treehouse Schoolhouse)
S6 E10 | Education is an Atmosphere, a Discipline, and a Life | Virtual Book Club: A Philosophy of Education, Chapter 6 (Julie Ross with Shay Kemp)
S6 E8 | Live from Ambleside: Thoughts from a Charlotte Mason Graduate (Julie Ross interviews her daughter, Rachel)
S6 E6 | The Sacredness of Personality | Virtual Book Club #7: A Philosophy of Education, Chapter 5 (Julie Ross)
S6 E4 | Getting Out of Your Mental Ruts: Charlotte Mason's Teaching on the Habit of Thought (Julie Ross)
S6 E2 | Virtual Book Club #6: A Philosophy of Education, Chapter 4 | Authority and Docility, OH MY! (Julie Ross with Shay Kemp)
S6 E1 | An Exciting Announcement from The Charlotte Mason Show! (Julie Ross with Jeannie Fulbright)
MOST POPULAR | Freedom in a Charlotte Mason Education (with Leah Boden) | REPLAY
MOST POPULAR | Nature Explorers: Brain Training to Enhance Our Children’s Potential (with Cindy West) | REPLAY
S5 E20 | Virtual Book Club #5: A Philosophy of Education, Chapter 3 Part 2 (with Shay Kemp)
S5 E19 | 3 Simple Tips to Get Your Family Outside (Brandy Gleason) | REPLAY
S5 E18 | The Top Five Mistakes Homeschool Moms Make and How to Fix Them (with Ana Willis) | REPLAY
S5E17 | Virtual Book Club #4: A Philosophy of Education, Chapter 3 (with Shay Kemp)
S5E16 | Homeschooling Through Challenges: Divorce (Shay Kemp Interviews Julie Ross)
S5 E15 | Hitting the Wall in Your Homeschool Year (REPLAY)
S5E14 | Virtual Book Club #3: A Philosophy of Education, Chapter 2 (with Shay Kemp)
S5E13 | Solfa: The Beautiful Gift of a Music Education (with RaeAnna Goss)
S5E12 | Homeschooling Through Challenges: Death of a Loved One (with Shay Kemp)
S5 E10 | Give Yourself the Gift of Self-Compassion (Julie Ross)
S8E9 | The Gifts of a Charlotte Mason Education (with Stacy Williams)
S5E8 | Homeschooling Through Challenges: When YOU Have Special Needs (with Amy Bodkin)
S5E7 | Teaching Spanish with a Charlotte Mason Approach (with Suzanne Gose)
S5E6 | Virtual Book Club #2: A Philosophy of Education, Chapter 1 (with Shay Kemp)
S5E5 | Shakespeare and Plutarch Don’t Have to Be Scary (with Rachel Lebowitz)
S5E4 | Homeschooling Through Challenges: Chronic Illness (with Carrie Ballentine)
S5E3 | Homeschooling Through Challenges: Moving (with Ana Willis)
S5E2 | Common Questions for the Start of the Year
S5E1 | Virtual Book Club #1: A Philosophy of Education, Introduction (with Shay Kemp)
S4E26: What Makes a Living Book
S4E25: Parents’ Review Article | The Age at which Science Should Be Taught by George Cadell (with Shay Kemp)
S4E24: Language Arts in a Charlotte Mason Education (with Shay Kemp)
S4E23: Parents' Review Article | A New Educational Departure by Charlotte Mason (with Shay Kemp)
S4E22: Homeschooling and the Enneagram (with Christa Hardin)
S4E21: Add Morning Time and Tea Time to Enrich Your Homeschool
S4E19: Ways to Cultivate the Artist in Your Child (with Alisha Gratehouse)