S6 E19 | Foreign Language Without a Curriculum (Jeannie Fulbright with Suzanne Gose)

S6 E19 | Foreign Language Without a Curriculum (Jeannie Fulbright with Suzanne Gose)

Show Notes:

Can you really teach foreign language without knowing the language? Is it possible to teach a foreign language without a curriculum? The answer to both questions is yes. Join Jeannie as she interviews Suzanne Gose, the creator of Flip Flop Spanish (and soon German), who will share how you can easily—very easily—incorporate foreign language into your daily life. She'll share step by step instructions that will help you get off and running today! Look in the show notes for links to her favorite translation tool, and where you can take a peek at Suzanne's Charlotte Mason styled curriculum.

About Suzanne

Suzanne is a certified Texas Public School teacher who thrived on teaching in the public school system before she began her family. Suzanne stayed home with her firstborn, and missed teaching so much that she reached out to her local community to tutor or host a small Spanish class. After that initial email, Suzanne received 42 replies the very next morning! So for 19 years now, Suzanne has been teaching Spanish and public speaking to homeschool students weekly in a classroom setting, most recently at the Community Homeschool Center in Bryan, Texas.

She is a happily married mother of five children, small business owner, as well as a founder and board member of the Community Homeschool Center. Suzanne and her family love living on their small 15 acre farm in Central Texas with their goats, chickens, turkeys, ducks, and rabbits. She thoroughly enjoys teaching weekly Spanish classes, supporting homeschool endeavors of the community in any way possible, and striving to keep a happy, well-organized home.

About Jeannie

Jeannie Fulbright, a 24-year veteran homeschooler, is the author of the #1 best-selling, multi award-winning Apologia Young Explorer science series: Exploring Creation with Astronomy, Chemistry and Physics, Botany, Zoology, and Anatomy & Physiology. She is also the author of the action-packed historical time travel book series Rumble Tumbles Through Time, as well as preschool science books and activity kits, the Charlotte Mason Heirloom Planner, and many high-quality Charlotte Mason based products. Jeannie and her husband Jeff became empty nesters in 2019. All four of their children all went to the University of Georgia on scholarship (homeschooling works!). For more than 20 years Jeannie has traveled around the country speaking to homeschoolers at conventions, covering a plethora of topics from Charlotte Mason to marriage and prayer.


Suzanne Gose | Website | Instagram | Facebook: Flip Flop Spanish | Facebook: Spanish Geniuses

Jeannie Fulbright | Instagram | Facebook | Facebook Group | Pinterest | Website

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Show Transcript:

Jeannie Fulbright [00:00:04] Welcome to The Charlotte Mason Show, a show that discusses Charlotte Mason's philosophy, principles, and methods. It is our hope that each session on the Charlotte Mason show will mentor you in the Charlotte Mason model, inspire you with ideas, and offer practical ways to implement Charlotte Mason's unique and effective methodology in your homeschool. I'm your host, Jeannie Fulbright, and I am so glad you joined me today.

Jeannie Fulbright [00:00:34] Welcome again to The Charlotte Mason Show. I am so glad you have joined me today. I've got a special guest, and I think you're going to really enjoy what she has to say. She's very knowledgeable in the subject. And I just want to start with a Charlotte Mason quote. Charlotte Mason says, "What shall we teach our children? Is there one subject that claims our attention more than another? Yes, there is a subject or class of subjects which has an imperative moral claim upon us. It is the duty of the nation to maintain relations of brotherly kindness with other nations. Therefore, it is the duty of every family as an integral part of the nation, to be able to hold brotherly speech with the families of other nations as opportunities arise. Therefore, to acquire the speech of neighboring nations is not only to secure an inlet of knowledge and a means of culture, but is a duty, a duty of that higher morality, the morality of the family which aims at universal brotherhood. Therefore, every family would do well to cultivate two languages besides the mother tongue, even in the nursery." Charlotte Mason says that in her volume entitled Parents and Children. And I think it's hard for us as Americans to wrap our minds around the idea of this need to speak other languages. And we know that in England— I mean, obviously it's this little island, but it was very close to all these other countries, which they were much more commonly interacting with French people and German people and Dutch people and people of all different languages during that time period. And so, of course, it seems maybe even a little more relevant for her, but it is still relevant for us, for our children. There is neural pathways that are developed when our children work on other languages, when they learn other tongues, vocabulary, and being able to construct sentences and to be able to have a conversation with another person. And I think this is a beautiful thing that we as homeschoolers can incorporate into our homeschooling. But it seems hard. It seems overwhelming. And today we're going to talk to special guest, Suzanne Gose, who's going to help us to think about this in a way that is not overwhelming. She's going to show us how we can incorporate foreign language without a curriculum. Welcome, Suzanne. I'm so glad to have you.

Suzanne Gose [00:03:37] I'm super excited to be here. I'm so excited to help people figure this out in small chunks, small steps.

Jeannie Fulbright [00:03:44] So, Suzanne, you actually studied in Spain and you were a public school teacher and taught both Spanish and speech, and then you became a homeschooling mom. Tell us about your journey from there to actually developing curriculum.

Suzanne Gose [00:04:02] So right. So I was a public school teacher— all levels of Spanish and public speaking, interpersonal communication, all those things. And then when I retired to have our first baby, I thought we would just wait till he was five, put him on the bus, and do just like everybody else. But during that small time where— you know, he nine months old. I'm sorry, but I was bored. I was used to maintaining 85 students a week. And so I put a little email out and I thought, "You know, I've heard of these people called homeschoolers. Maybe they need some Spanish help." And so I found out where they were. I got on their Yahoo! Group, and I sent out a little email that said, "Would anybody like a tutor or maybe a small class of some sort? I'm a Spanish teacher." The next morning I had 42 replies and thus began— yeah, that was it. And so I was like, "Oh!" And they were all little kids. They were not high schoolers, so I didn't know what to do. So I had to kind of figure that out really quickly and started my private classes. And then when I met these homeschoolers, the students were so different. They were leaning forward. They had sparks in their eyes. They were eager, curious, polite. They thanked me, and I seriously didn't know that teenagers came that way. I didn't know that's how— I didn't know that existed.

Jeannie Fulbright [00:05:17] I love that. That is exactly why I started homeschooling, is I met homeschoolers. And I was like, "These kids are what I want my children to be."

Suzanne Gose [00:05:28] That's exactly what happened. And that day, I asked the parents afterwards— my very first class, I had this little nine month old baby, and I said, "What are you doing? I want my child to turn out like this. What are you doing? I need to know all the things." And they all shrugged their shoulders and just said, "I mean, we just homeschool." And that was the one thing. So boom, I became a homeschooler because I didn't know how else to get a child to act that way— or not to act. To interact with his world that way.

Jeannie Fulbright [00:05:57] Exactly. To act like a human being and not like some caged animal let out of their cage.

Suzanne Gose [00:06:08] I didn't know. They would not make eye contact in the schools. They did not speak in complete sentences. It was very much an atmosphere of us against them, and that was 20 years ago. So I can't imagine that it's better now.

Jeannie Fulbright [00:06:18] No.

Suzanne Gose [00:06:19] So yeah, my children have never been us against them. My students are never us against them. We are all in this together, learning and living life together. And I feel really sad that so many people think that they have to be in that atmosphere. You can escape. You can.

Jeannie Fulbright [00:06:34] Yes. There's freedom. Freedom. I love it. Well, that is such a great story. Thank you for sharing, Suzanne. So can you really teach a foreign language without a curriculum? Come on, let's be honest.

Suzanne Gose [00:06:48] You really can. You really can. So you have to think about the way you learned anything else. So whenever your child is starting to walk, you're not sitting there worrying about, "Well, what's their time going to be in the mile sprint? What about the marathons that they're going to run when they're 22?" You're not thinking about that. You're thinking about, "Oh, is he going to fall over? Let me remove this little sharp edge right here." It's just this moment by moment situation. And so just like with everything else, you need to think about the here and now. Where are we now? So the theory is X plus one. Wherever you are is X. You need to just challenge yourself and your child plus one, just one tiny step. And so often when we think of foreign language, our immediate thought is fluency. That's X plus a million. We need to think about plus one. So you need to think about one word at a time, and that is very easy to do. So when I give you a few steps on how to start whatever language, write it down. There's three really easy steps that you can do today and start with week one. Not even week one— day one. One word.

Jeannie Fulbright [00:07:54] I love that. That is beautiful. Here's a question I have: so when you're— what would be the beginning steps? What would you— how would you move progressively from the first step? And what is the first step? What do we do to start this first step?

Suzanne Gose [00:08:13] All right. So the very first thing is to decide which language. So a lot of us jump from, "Should we do Latin? Should we do German? Should we do Spanish? What should we do?" Choose one. So that's the first step. A lot of us think, oh— especially since Charlotte said at least two other languages. You want to have two other other than the native tongue, and so we think, "Oh, we should choose two." No, no. Yes, eventually, but start with one. And so that's the first step. And commit. Commit to that language for a year. Decide I am not going to look at any other language for this year. You can add later, but start with one language for a year. If you end up changing your mind, okay. But that's not what we're starting with. We're starting with a choice. After you choose your language— so that's step one. Write it down. Write down that this is the language I'm going to commit to. The second step is choosing four nouns. They need to be nouns that you say, not nouns that you see. So something that you actually say in a regular day.

Jeannie Fulbright [00:09:08] Nouns that you say, not nouns that you see. Okay. Can you give me an example of that?

Suzanne Gose [00:09:14] Sure. So right now I'm looking at my coffee mug on my desk. I see this thing. But do I often say coffee mug? Do I say mug a lot? Not very often. Not every day. Only if I'm looking for it. However, with my children, I do say the word pencil every single day. Where is your pencil? Where is your pencil? Grab a pencil. So think about something— a noun that you use regularly. Is it jacket? Is it keys? Every family is going to have their own culture. You're going to have a noun, so choose four of those and look those up in the language. You can use Google Translate, you can use a dictionary, you can use any software program you want, you can use Duolingo, you can do a Babble. I don't care what you do. Find those four nouns, four items, write them down, practice saying them. Your kids can learn it with you. You can do this on your own, but commit to those four nouns.

Jeannie Fulbright [00:10:08] Oh, Suzanne. This sounds so doable. Thank you. I love this idea. So you you start with four nouns. You start with four nouns that you say, not things that you're looking at. How often do you say keyboard? You don't say keyboard very often. How often do you say washing machine? I think a lot of times people are like, "Okay, this is a washing machine." And this is not something we say. We say, "Put your clothes in the wash," or "Have you washed that?" So looking for nouns that you actually use in your speech. And I guess a great way to begin that is just to start paying attention to what words do we say all the time? What are we saying regularly? Okay, so you've got your four words. Okay. What's next?

Suzanne Gose [00:10:56] Okay, so you have your four words. And the reason— because we need to know why, right? A lot of us, especially our children, want to know why did you choose these words? Maybe they think they're boring. Maybe they want to do animals. Maybe they want to do colors. They want to do weather. They want to do something else. And you say, "No, this is why." And the reason we do nouns first is because that's what we learned first as babies. We didn't learn, eat and smile and laugh. We learned baba, mama, dada, birdy, dog. You know, so your brain is already hardwired as an American, as an English speaker, to learn nouns first. And so you're going to grab those nouns. So that's why. Because we want to do nouns first. You only want to do four because your fifth one, your fifth part of speech or your fifth item that you're going to add to that list is a sentence starter. A sentence starter can be anything like "I need," "I want," "I like," or "where is." Which one of those in your life do you say most often in relationships before nouns? So make it meaningful.

Jeannie Fulbright [00:11:57] That's great. Okay, so a sentence starter. So then you're going to get— you're going to figure out okay, what do I want as my sentence started? I need a pencil, and so would you then go on to Google Translate and find out all the words for that or how would you do that?

Suzanne Gose [00:12:19] Yes, just like that. So if you say "I need"— just that phrase. Google Translate is really great for very short phrases. "I need." They can do that. Google Translate is not good for paragraphs. It is not good for slang, not good for idioms, things like that. But the the conjugated verb, right? It's already in the "I" form. "I need" is going to be on there for Spanish, German, French, everything that you're going to want. And then it also has a little speaker; you can hear it. And a lot of times it has a little video of the person saying it. So you're going to practice that. So it's all there just on Google Translate, and a lot of us have apps, too, that you just haven't used in this way yet. Really important to get it off the screen and onto a list of some sort. So you have your four nouns and your sentence starter. So now you have your basis. You have your goal. You have your curriculum that you just created. And this is your goal until you've got it. There's not a timeline. There's not a— you just— you're going to do different things with it. Some of the things are acting it out, picking it up, saying it. "I need my pencil. I need my book. I need my chair." Whatever it is that you say regularly in that target language, you're going to practice saying that. Another way is breaking it down. So even shorter, even easier than a list is flashcards. So if you have a doodler— a lot of us have those wiggly willies. We have those kids that are really artsy. And plus, they're used to drawing and sketching. They're going to draw it out.

Jeannie Fulbright [00:13:49] Me. Go ahead.

Suzanne Gose [00:13:51] Okay. And so you're going to draw it. So while you're saying "the pencil"— I'm sorry, while you're drawing a pencil, you're sketching it, you're saying, "el lapiz, el lapiz, el lapiz". So you're connecting these synapses. Yeah, it's very therapeutic.

Jeannie Fulbright [00:14:05] You could start your foreign language Spanish notebook and you're going to have them doodle the— I love this. This is just moving that material from the comprehension short-term memory to the understanding long-term memory. This is great.

Suzanne Gose [00:14:25] Exactly. Yes.

Jeannie Fulbright [00:14:27] No wonder they told me your curriculum is Charlotte Mason. That is exactly how a Charlotte Mason education is done. I love this.

Suzanne Gose [00:14:35] And you're creating the series that she said, right? She used a verbs— or, you know, Francois used verbs. He would say, "open the book", "close the book", "put the book down" or whatever. But our brain is not hardwired that way. So you want to keep the verb the same "I need," and then change the noun. So this is one way that we differ but is a lot simpler. So "I need the pencil." Change it to "I need the book." So it's still a series, and with those flashcards, you can put "I need" some sort of doodle for "I need"— picture side only. You don't want words with the picture, so you want to start thinking in pictures rather than reading. You don't want to be reading the foreign language.

Jeannie Fulbright [00:15:14] Right. You know, I took seven years of French and when I graduate— I took it in middle school and then I took it in high school. And when I graduated from high school, I could read French, but I could not hear a speaker. I couldn't picture it. I had no pictures in my mind of it. I just had the words. And I think one of the things that really intimidates people about teaching foreign language in a homeschool is that we were given a foreign language education. All of us had to have foreign language to graduate. And none of us felt like that language prepared us to be a speaker of the language. And so I think that that's one of the reasons why we feel so intimidated to even teach a foreign language because we have a lot of education and we kind of start making it our fault. It was a fault with us. I'm not good with languages or whatever it is, but that's not the truth. The truth is it was the methodology they used in schools for teaching us.

Suzanne Gose [00:16:21] Right. It was rote memorization. And if we could speak, we could just respond to the questions. And so I was walking around— I took French also, and I could speak. If you would ask me what my name was, where I was from, or how old I was, I could absolutely answer those questions, but I couldn't create original thought. And so that's the beauty of the Mason method, too, is that you're creating original thought. So "I need" and then you're going to learn how to put whatever you actually need there. And so that's going to propel the child to say, "Well, mom, what if I want to say, 'I need the marker.'" "Well, look it up, baby." It becomes their own. "What if I want to say 'I need the apple'?" "Oh, well, look it up, baby. Add it to your personal learning dictionary." Right? It's all self-teaching.

Jeannie Fulbright [00:17:04] That is amazing. That is a Charlotte Mason education in a nutshell. Children love— they remember what they get for themselves. They remember what they have dug up and gotten, the knowledge they've gotten for themselves. And what a beautiful way to do that. I love it, Suzanne. Thank you so much for sharing that. So are there any other steps to this to progress?

Suzanne Gose [00:17:29] Sure. So after that, after you get comfortable with your "I need", you might add one more sentence starter, but again, just start with your five and then go from there. So it's going to be fairly natural. And if you get stuck, then you can always contact me or whatever. Or you can access— there's so much curriculum out there. But really there's so many nouns around you and you just start paying attention which will help your child to be more observant, will help you to be more observant. And it's going to end up— like you said, it's going to help them with grammar and English and the second language. It's going to help them with spelling and reading in both languages, diction, authentic input, critical listening skills. All the stuff is going to get better because we're opening synapses—like you mentioned at the beginning—that have never been used before and can't be used any other way. You can't access this part of the brain unless you actually communicate in the second language. It's not reading it. It's not memorizing it. It's actually walking up to another human and saying, "Necesito una manzana." I need an apple. Or "Necesito mi lapiz." I need my pencil. And then the other human looks at you, recognizes what you say, and responds, and that's when the synapses fire. And that's what opens up new pathways, and every other skill improves. It's quite phenomenal.

Jeannie Fulbright [00:18:47] That's amazing. And so that is— I love this. And so when when you have done this, you're just continuing to add what is involved in your own personal life. What's more, the things you are naturally talking about. Replacing those words with Spanish equivalent and then replacing the actions, the verbs, with the Spanish equivalent and just moving, progressing, progressively moving up. And that's— I love this. Is there any other recommendation that you have in this Spanish without a curriculum? I want to talk about your curriculum, too, because I know everybody is curious to know all about it. But I just want to know—before we move on to talk about your wonderful Flip Flop Spanish—what other ways can we progress with this methodology?

Suzanne Gose [00:19:46] Yes, I would just stay encourage them to stay on nouns and sentence starters, very few sentence starters. One or two. "I need", "I don't need". "I like", "I don't like". Something very simple for the sentence starters and really pound on those nouns until the child is like, "But I want to say 'the funny dog' or 'the funny pencil' or 'the big pencil' or 'the small pencil'." Wait until they're asking, because once you add another part of speech like adjectives or another verb, like "I want to find" or "I want to buy" or "I want to eat the apple". Just stick with the two word sentences for quite a while until they're almost frustrated. And that's when you add in another part of speech. If you add in too many parts of speech at once, then that's when the confusion happens and they're not able to do it. So just slow and steady wins the race. Just kind of keep them back until they're really pushing you.

Jeannie Fulbright [00:20:36] Right? Make them want it. They're going to want it, and once they want it, they're going to be eager to learn. You've opened the door for curiosity and then you allow them to be satisfied because they're hungering for more. You've presented the feast, if you will, but it's just a nibble. It's just a little bit of a feast, but they want the whole thing, and they will. They'll be motivated to get it, which I think a lot of times we present this huge foreign language, and we just expect a child to be excited about it and to be interested in it. But it does get confusing when you're moving beyond that eagerness that they would naturally develop if we started with just a little bit at a time.

Suzanne Gose [00:21:25] Right. Right. We don't want them confused. We don't want them frustrated. We don't want them overwhelmed. And so they really can memorize about five to six words per week at a time. And so they're going to want to make a list. They're going to want to say, "Okay, what are all the colors? What are all the numbers? What is all the clothes in my drawers?" And the thing is, it will never turn into long-term memory because all they will see is the list. So you really do have to parcel it out for them as young students. When they get older, their brain will be able to absorb more quickly, and they'll know what they can and can't handle. And they can do 10 and 15 words a week, but that's after they've had the initial exercise. It's like teaching a tennis player that's been playing for five years a new move. Very different than teaching a tennis player who just picked up a racket a new move. You just can't do it. So the muscle memory of our brain really will help us in the future, but you just can't skip. And so you've got to do four or five words, and you've got to hold them to four or five words, or just doesn't go to long-term. It goes— it's a list that they forget.

Jeannie Fulbright [00:22:28] It's really developing those neural pathways, and getting the brain automatically going there, getting that memory from drawing the picture of it. That picture in their brain. And it's an automatic thought. And then it's easier to add on the other things.

Suzanne Gose [00:22:49] X plus one, X plus one, X plus one. Never X plus ten. Those steps will get bigger, so don't get frustrated. But it's still just one step.

Jeannie Fulbright [00:22:59] That's great. I love this. Okay. Thank you so much for sharing that. I know that you have just blessed so many homeschoolers with this amazing methodology of teaching Spanish without a curriculum, but you do have a curriculum to offer. And tell us about how you discovered that your curriculum was based on the Charlotte Mason approach.

Suzanne Gose [00:23:25] So yeah, so I do have it where it's open and go. So if you say, "Well, I like that Suzanne, but I don't want to do that work," it is ready for you. And we have the photos and their flashcard method, and you look at the photo— or the— it's a photo cue on a flashcard, and you listen. So you're hearing the word and looking at the picture. And so I didn't know that was Charlotte Mason until I was at a convention, and Catherine Levison, who wrote the Charlotte Mason Handbook, came running down the aisle and said, "This is the most Charlotte Mason method I've ever seen with a Spanish curriculum." I was like, "Oh, that's really nice." She's like, "I've been telling everybody about it in all of my talks." I was like, "Well, thank you so much. I guess I should meet that lady." And, you know, I did not know who Charlotte Mason was. And so then when I researched who it was— I mean, I had a degree in education. I'd never heard of her. And so this was about two or three years after See It and Say It came out. They're short lessons. They are hands-on. They are hear it before you read it. Everything exactly the way— and they're in series. You know, "I need", "I want", "I like", and then you change the noun, and you're laying these cards out on the table, moving them around, responding to family. It's all face-to-face, no screens. And so once I found that out, I continued to delve into that and say, "Okay, well, how can we make this even more effective?" Because something I was lacking at the time was the authentic input of the cultural stories, the poems, the songs. So since then, I've added in a lot of that because I didn't know I was missing it. So Charlotte Mason— you know, our entire methodology for our entire homeschool follows her for all five of my kids. But because now I've studied her method and I already had a jumping off point, her methods have made our lives richer from Spanish learning all the way through.

Jeannie Fulbright [00:25:13] That's wonderful. So tell us about everything that you're doing once they have completed the courses that you have. Tell us about those courses and the progression that you have for learning foreign language.

Suzanne Gose [00:25:29] So you can start as young as three, like she said in the nursery. And so pre-readers can see the photos, hear it, and respond. They can lay out the cards and say, "I need the teddy bear. I need to look at the teddy bear." So they can actually— you know, the progression is all laid out for you in the curriculum. And then as the children are building their own sentences in a very physical way, opening up those neural pathways, like you said, and being able to speak and respond, listen and go back and forth. After they've gotten used to that and they're actually creating original thought, they're able to understand movies, songs, all this thing because they have those small chunks of language that have now built into this beautiful feast of understanding. After that, they're ready for the scholar method. So my curriculum is a two years through level one. Very slow, right? X plus one. Six words a week. And then level two is out now, another two years. After that or even in between that— if they've gotten to the scholar level where they're ready for stories, they're ready for some deeper grammar, they're ready to really create their own poetry and really communicate, then we have Spanish Geniuses. That is a video course where I'm teaching them. They can go at their own pace, but they are doing one week at a time, just like I do in my in-person classes. We still have the series. We still are creating original thought, we're still having authentic input, but we're adding in a lot of story time. And so the comprehension, the narration, all the things we do with our Charlotte Mason method in English, same idea. But now it's no longer vocab memorization. It's no longer, "Wait. How does this sound? Can I pronounce this? How do I spell it?" They've already done that with See It and Say It Flip Flop Spanish. Now they've got to Spanish Geniuses, all that groundwork is done, so the X plus one is still happening because now they have a huge foundation from which to jump off. They're not worried about, "How does that word even sound?" They've got it. They know how to create original thought, and now they're ready for the stories and the comprehension, and the narration.

Jeannie Fulbright [00:27:31] That's great. I do think that is so much better than the way we were all taught foreign language. And they are really going to be able to listen to a speaker. And even if they don't know all the vocabulary in everything they're saying, they have been listening to stories. They can understand the bulk of a conversation. They can communicate in that language. And as Charlotte Mason said, they are doing their moral duty to mankind, to other nations, by truly grasping the concept of conversation.

Suzanne Gose [00:28:12] Yes. It's really exciting. Most of my kids— we have five, and three of them are blue-eyed, blond-haired, and the other two are still very fair. And they really enjoy being the one person that can help, you know, if we're in the grocery store and there's somebody that's lost or doesn't know what kind of brand or whatever it is, and they're Spanish speakers only. Here in central Texas, we have a lot of that. And that is so invigorating and exciting for them that because they studied, because they paid attention, because they wanted to know Spanish, they are now that person that is a good neighbor to this other person who didn't know where to turn and didn't know what to do. And my little fair-skinned kid understood what she said and helped. And it surprises the Spanish speaker because most of them are from Mexico, either first or second generation, and they haven't learned English for whatever reason. They didn't have to. In Texas, you often don't have to, and they're not expecting somebody that looks like my kid to turn around and help. And it's very exciting and fun for the kids to be able to be that person.

Jeannie Fulbright [00:29:18] What an opportunity for the Lord as well. I love that.

Suzanne Gose [00:29:21] Yes, absolutely.

Jeannie Fulbright [00:29:21] Well, thank you so much, Suzanne. It was so great to see you again. We met at conferences this summer and that was really awesome. And I look forward to hearing more about what you're developing. And I appreciate you sharing your wisdom and your brilliance and making teaching foreign language something that is accessible for all of us.

Suzanne Gose [00:29:45] Yes. Four words, right? Four nouns. Just start with four nouns. You can do it.

Jeannie Fulbright [00:29:52] Thank you so much. Okay. Well, we will talk to you next time. Thanks so much, Suzanne.

Suzanne Gose [00:29:56] All right. Thank you.

Jeannie Fulbright [00:30:02] Thank you for tuning into The Charlotte Mason Show. If you want to learn more about Charlotte Mason, go to my website at JeannieFulbright.com. There you can find my blog where I discuss so many of Charlotte Mason's principles and how to implement her philosophy in your homeschool. You can also take a peek at my Charlotte Mason heirloom planner, which is much more than a planner. It's a Charlotte Mason mentor that not only teaches you Charlotte Mason principles, but it keeps you focused on the things that are important each week, such as habit training, and nature study, scripture, read-alouds, prayer, and self-care, which often gets neglected. And I would love to meet you in person at a Great Homeschool Convention where I'll be sharing a lot of different Charlotte Mason topics. To sign up, go to GreatHomeschoolConventions.com. Thanks again and have a blessed and bountiful week as you fulfill your call to educate your children at home.

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