409 | The Only Voice You Need To Listen To (Sean Allen)
Show Notes:
Like anything in life, homeschooling presents us with A LOT of questions. What math curriculum to use? Should I join a co-op? What should be in my morning time basket? and on and on and on. The only thing that exceeds the number of questions we have are the number of answers that get thrown our way (often without permission). The truth is, of all the voices vying for your attention, there's only one you actually need to listen to. It's the voice of the Holy Spirit, and though the Lord may speak to us in many different ways (through other people, through experiences, etc.), he never contradicts himself. We just have to quiet down and listen. He's more than willing to point us in the right direction.
About Sean
Sean Allen is the founder of The Well Ordered Homeschool, husband to his beautiful bride Caroline and a proud father of eight. He has a bachelor of fine arts in graphic design and is passionate about creating materials to assist parents in the incredibly challenging, yet surpassingly beautiful, work of schooling and training their children at home.
The Well Ordered Homeschool Planner
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Show Transcript:
Sean Allen Hello. Welcome to the Homeschool Solutions Show. My name is Sean Allen and I am one of the many hosts here on the podcast. Since you're listening to this, I'm guessing you already know that homeschooling is both incredibly challenging and incredibly beautiful. Every week we're here doing a little guidance, some helpful counsel, and a whole lot of encouragement your way as you navigate this busy, yet blessed journey of educating your children at home. Now, even though the show is called Homeschool Solutions, it should come as no surprise to you that we do not have the answer to every homeschool related question. But if you come away with nothing else, our hope is that today's episode will point you to Jesus Christ and that you will seek His counsel as you train your children in the way they should go.
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It's good to be with you again. Last time I shared with you all— Last episode, I was a little under the weather, did not feel the best, but I feel much better now. And we have just wrapped up Christmas and we're looking ahead to the new year. And to give you a little update on where things are at in the Allen household, baby number nine is on the way. I cannot believe how close it is getting now. We're about three months out and it's going to be a girl. So I can tell you that now. My wife is very particular about things like that. And so there's a certain time when we can reveal the gender, and then as for as names go, she doesn't like to talk about that very much either, because...actually for the very reason that happens to be the subject of today's podcast. And that is, she doesn't like a lot of opinions being shared with her, saying, "I like this name. I don't like that name." Maybe some of you all can relate out there. So she doesn't like that, and I don't blame her. And so we don't talk about names until after the baby is born and it actually has a name, and that's when we talk about names. We've been talking about it with our children, and even that's a little much for Caroline. But anyway, everything's progressing wonderfully. Caroline has achieved her dream of having a baby at 40...or carrying a baby at 40, at this point. We hope that everything goes well at the birth. But she's definitely feeling it this go round, I guess I should say. She's already ready to be done, but everyone's healthy and everything's well and we're so happy about that. So I thought I'd give you a little update there.
In other news, as far as the homeschool planner is concerned— Yes, it's getting to be that time again, when we think about putting out a new edition of the Well-Ordered Homeschool planner. That is going to be made available for preorder— Perhaps by the time this episode airs, it will already be up. But if not, at the time that I'm recording this, which is on December 30th, we're about a couple of weeks out before we put it up for pre-order. And I've been working very hard to get the latest edition of the planner ready for print, so it should be ready to ship sometime in February...probably late February. Which we get a little earlier every year, so that's pretty good for us. But the planner starts in July. So if you'd think about purchasing the planner, it starts in July, there's plenty of time to get it and to start. And so preorders should be up soon. So we're excited about that. We're working on some nice new features and we're going to have a nice new cover and all that good stuff. So we're excited about that.
But on to today's episode. And let me tell you how this works with me: I don't really— I just kind of have things come to me. I think I've said this before. I give it some thought— There are so many things going on in my life, and I'm sure you all are very much like this as well, there's always a ton of stuff going on, so it's not like I'm preparing podcasts every day. I'm not. I do give it some thought here and there. Like, "Well, there's a podcast coming up. I need to think of a topic." But usually it comes the day of. I'm like, "I need to record this. What's it going to be?" And I'm thinking, I'm thinking, and something happens, or somebody says something, or a thought pops into my mind, and I'm like, "You know that's where we need to go." And again, that process is very closely related to what I want to talk to you about today. And I'll just get right to it. I know— I am certain— I don't know, but I am certain that there are many of you out there who are right now in the throes of having to make some major decisions. And it could be related to your homeschool. It might not. But it doesn't really matter, it applies both ways. But since this is the Homeschool Solutions Show, I'm going to frame this in such a way as it pertains to your homeschool. But you could apply it to other life situations. Absolutely. But the fact of the matter is that— Or what I want to say to you is: In all of these instances, in all of these decisions that you have to make—and some great and some small, and some many and some few—there is really, ultimately, only one voice that you need to listen to. And let me give you a little spoiler. It's not your heart. Okay. I'm not going to— Some of you might be thinking, "Oh, what is he going to say? Listen to my heart?" No, I'm not. That's that's not the voice that you absolutely must be listening to. There's really only one voice that you should be listening to, and you probably already know what voice that is.
So I don't think I ever really say anything that is new and groundbreaking, or revolutionary. Okay. It's a lot of stuff that you already know, but I'm just kind of here to reinforce, maybe, what you already know. Sometimes we need that little push, don't we? We need that little bit of encouragement that says, "Yes, that's actually okay to go this way," whereas previously you might not have been quite sure. But I want to tell you, in this world that we live in, certainly today, there is no shortage of voices. There is a multitude of voices available to you at any given time. And again, this applies to all life decisions, but it certainly applies to your homeschool, there are all kinds of opinions out there as to, "What is the best way to run your homeschool? What's the best math curriculum? What's the best science curriculum? Should you use a planner? Should you not use a planner?" Things like that. Every little thing! And for good reason. You know, everybody has explored these issues; they've tried this and they've tried that and they've formulated an opinion. And most people are happy, more than happy, to share that opinion with you, given the opportunity. "So why?," I guess I would ask. "Why are there so many voices?"
Well, one of the reasons why there are so many voices available to us is that we tend to think quite a bit of ourselves. We think highly of ourselves. We think highly of our experience and our opinions. We've come to a conclusion. We're convinced, right? We're convinced that Abeka is the way to go. Or we're convinced that Math-U-See is the way to go. Or we're convinced that Teaching Textbooks is the way to go. And on and on and on. And given the opportunity, we're happy to spread the "gospel," so to speak, share what we know. Um...there's a little bit of a problem with this. And I've tried to learn this over the years, I really have, because I'm no different. To be quite honest with you, I think quite highly of myself too. I like my opinions, and I generally think I'm right. We all think we're right, until we find out that we're wrong. Right? And we've all had that experience, too. And it's really a question of whether or not you're going to yield to the fact that you're wrong. And as you go through life, always tuck it away in the back of your head that, "Well, I might be wrong." That's a healthy thing. In most instances, that's a very healthy thing. Well, not everybody's like that. Okay. They don't ever stop to consider that they might be wrong.
And I will be the first to tell you that I have been wrong lots. Even though I just admitted to you that I think highly of myself, I also am ready to admit that I have been so wrong on lots of different things. And I've made big mistakes and I've lived to tell the tale, thank God, but nevertheless the scars remain. And they're there as a memorial, something for you to look back on and remember and to reflect on the time, or the many times, the multitude of times that you were wrong so that you can move forward in a more, I guess, confident and assured way. And the way up is down as far as that goes. You know, if you really want to move out in confidence, you need to be more humble. Which is a paradox, isn't it? That doesn't make a lot of sense. Humble people seem— They act as if they're unsure of themselves. But to be humble is really the best place to be. And the reason for that is, is that those are the kinds of people that listen to the One Voice. And the One Voice I'm talking about is the Spirit of the living God, the Spirit of the God of Heaven, the voice that He utilizes to reach us here on His footstool so that we can hear His voice and understand what His will is for our lives. For everything from what math curriculum you should use, to whether or not you should move your homeschool out of the basement and upstairs, or vice versa, from upstairs to the basement. He's— Believe it or not, He's actually interested in those kinds of things, and He would love to talk to you about that.
But the problem with us is that we are surrounded by these voices. And a lot of times we like to complain about that, but we bear some of the responsibility for the multitude of voices. And why is that? It's because we listen, you see. Let me give you an example here: I talked about this to my sons every now— Actually, we've been talking about this here recently. And I'm sorry, I'm going to use a male example. I'm gonna talk about sports here just for a minute, but it applies to politics too, if you will. You know, politics and sports, there's a lot of people making a lot of money commenting, or acting as commentators, on the areas of sports and politics. They're on— Now, it's 24-hour news cycle...24-hour sports news cycle. There's always somebody on the television or on the radio or on the Twitterverse or whatever it may be talking about—oh, excuse me, it's X now, pardon me—talking about those issues. And they're "experts". Okay. Well, why is that possible? It's possible because there are enough people who will listen to them to actually give them an audience that is sufficient to justify the ad campaigns to pay the money to keep them on the air, and so on and so forth. So without listeners, those voices die. They no longer exist. So we're clearly listening, even though most of us will complain about the quality of the commentary, which is generally very poor, particularly in the world of sports. And I try not to follow this very much, but sometimes I can't help myself because I do follow a little bit of sports, and listening to some of these people talk about basketball players and football players and whatnot gets a little ridiculous and embarrassing sometimes because they make all of their predictions and they say, "This is going to happen," and, "That's going to happen," and then the game is played and, a lot of times, not all the time, but most of the time none of that happens or very little of it happens. And we're like, "What are we paying these people for? Why are we listening to you talk about how many points are going to be scored and what kind of stats are going to be put up? And blah, blah, blah." And then it doesn't happen, and then the next day we're right back on the website listening to these people talk about sports again.]
Why? Well, they're going to keep talking as long as you listen to them. And you want to listen to them. Why? Because you want answers. It's the same with the political commentators, especially around election cycles— Which I'm sure you all are very aware, painfully aware, that we've got another one coming up very shortly. Aren't we all looking forward to that? But we get very excited about, "Well, who's going to be the next X, Y, Z? Who's going to be the next president? Who's going to be the next senator? Who's going to be the next whatever?" And we get very interested in that. We're so anxious about this issue that we flip on the television, we get online, whatever, we turn these people on, and we're turning to them and we're looking at them and we're saying, "All right, tell me, tell me what's going to happen?" Or, "Okay, okay, you can't tell me what's going to happen? Just give me a clue. Just anything. Okay. I know that we're eight months out, 12 months out, whatever, but if you could just give me a little indication of how this is all going to go down, I'd feel a lot better about my situation." That's why we keep listening. And then we go through the cycle and then we realize most of what these people told us is not actually what happened, but they still get to keep their jobs. They keep their jobs because we keep listening. So we complain about the multitude of voices that are surrounding us on a daily basis.
And how does this apply to your homeschool? Well, it applies to your homeschool because you've got a lot of people surrounding you who would like love to tell you how to homeschool. And let me also be the first to admit that I'm one of those voices. I don't want to tell you how to homeschool; I just want to help you if I can. But let me tell you this, if this voice that you are hearing on this podcast right now does not agree with the voice that you are hearing in your heart from the God of heaven, then you shouldn't be listening to my voice. Alright? Or there are certain things that you should tune out. Say, "Well, the thing that he shared right there, that was interesting and that was useful. But there's other things that he has shared that, you know, it doesn't really apply to me." And that's fine. That's absolutely fine! But the problem we have is when you have individuals who are running around and they're standing before you and they're telling you, not knowing who you are, what you've been through, what your experience is, what the circumstances under which you are conducting your homeschool, standing there and telling you, "This is the way that you should go." That's a tough sell. Sometimes they can speak in a universal type...in broad generalizations, and it can apply, but it's a tough sell when you get down to brass tacks. Okay. Could they be right? Yes. Are they absolutely right? No. No, that does not mean that they're right at all times in all instances and all places. So you've got to be careful with that. So there's only one voice that you have to listen to, and it's the voice of your Heavenly Father.
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So there's all these voices surrounding us, we don't have to listen to them. You don't have to listen to them. Okay. I don't care if it's your best friend and what she's doing in her homeschool, you don't have to listen to that. You can if you want, number one and you should, if you should. Does that make sense? And when I say you should, if you should, that means, has the Spirit of God validated what she's telling you? Or what I'm telling you? Or what anybody's telling you, for that matter. So you can listen to the voice, but also you should, if you should. And the person who validates or vindicates whether or not you should is your Heavenly Father. Okay? So here's the thing, here's the problem with us is, we're inherently lazy. Almost all of us, in some form or fashion, are lazy. And that's just human nature, folks. We love to take the easy way out. Okay. Listening to the throng of voices that surround you and I is actually easier than listening to the Holy Spirit. Why is that? The reason for that is, is that all you have to do is open your ears because there's constant talking all around you. And there are plenty of people who would love to share with you what you should and should not be doing. Why? Because they think highly of themselves. Everybody enjoys being able to counsel, generally somebody else, especially if it's close friends. There's nothing wrong with that. Sometimes it gets a little egregious, but most of the people I'm sure that are surrounding you are well-meaning. Okay. But that's actually the easy part, because all you have to do is pose a question and then wait for the person to open their mouth and to speak, and generally they're quite happy to do that. And a lot of times, let's be honest, you've got people around you who want to tell you what they think without being asked. Right? I hate to say that, and I don't want to be cruel, but there it is. There's also people like that in our lives.
That's something else that I've tried to learn over the years. So I meet a lot of people, as we travel over the country and they come up to our booth and they have questions, or after speaking sessions and whatnot, and they have questions and that's fine. I'm flattered that they would even ask me my opinion, but I always try not to offer my opinion or any type of advice or counsel unless I'm specifically asked. I'm very careful about how much I offer because I don't know these people and they don't know me. And so why would I feel like I have license to just like, speak into their life? Unless I feel led in some form, I generally don't do that because I feel like it's disrespectful to the individual, right? To think that I might actually have something to offer them outside of the realm of the particular question that they've asked, I feel like that's a little presumptuous. So I try not to do that. But again, human nature likes to take over and like, "Well, let me... Let's just keep talking." I don't like doing that. And I also don't like it when people do it to me. Because it's patronizing, isn't it? But when someone comes to me with a specific question, I do the best that I can to answer it. And sometimes my answer is, "I don't have an answer. Nothing's coming to me that I feel— I don't feel convicted enough to share with you what you should not do."
I could tell you what I've done, and maybe that's sufficient for them as well, but oftentimes I don't even do that because I'm not sure. Based upon what they've asked me and what they've come to me with, I like, "I'm not so sure that this is actually going to be helpful." It would be better for me to not add another voice to the mix than to just give them something that is potentially fruitless or worthless. But we keep listening because it's easier. Listening to the Holy Spirit, however, it takes discipline. It takes time. It takes humility. And that's hard for us because we are flesh. We're working against that nature that we possess, and our nature finds it quite difficult to just kind of settle down and shut up, to put it bluntly. We don't like being quiet. And quietness—solitude and quietness—that's a discipline. It's more than a discipline, sometimes it's just a sheer impossibility because you've got three, four, five, six, ten children, however many, and good luck finding quietude, if that's a word—that's probably not a word, please forgive me if it's not—in the midst of a multitude of children. But listening to the Holy Spirit takes that quietness and that stillness in your heart, and generally, that period of time happens in the morning or late at night, but preferably in the morning. And that takes discipline too, right? You've got to go to your Heavenly Father and you've got to lay these questions at His feet. So God has many voices too, but they all speak the same thing; they're all in agreement. And I'm sure you've all had the sad experience of going around and asking the same question to a multitude of people, and you get all these different answers and you're like, "Now what do I do? What am I supposed to do with that? I mean, she's right just as much as she would be right. I mean, she's been homeschooling for 14 years and she's been homeschooling for 15 years, what's the difference? Who should I listen to? I don't know."
There's only one voice you should listen to. And maybe the Holy Spirit is going to use the voice of other people. Now, I know this is going to get a little confusing here because you're like, "You just told me not to listen to people!" No, I want you to listen to the direction of the Holy Spirit, and maybe the Holy Spirit is guiding you to the counsel of a particular individual and you just haven't asked that question yet. Maybe you asked five people a particular question and you received five different answers, and one of them is the one that the Lord wants you to listen to, but you don't know which one it is yet because you haven't asked Him, because you haven't humbled yourself and laid that question at His feet. So He has the voice of other people. He can speak through your friends. He can speak through your husband or your wife, whoever you may be listening to this. He might speak through your children. He might speak through your mother or your father. He might speak through your pastor. He might speak through a podcast. It's possible! I hope it's possible. But knowing which one of those He's speaking to, takes discipline because you've got to go to Him and ask Him. And He can also speak through experiences, right? You have this burning question. You're trying to sort it out in your mind. You're trying to figure out how this is all going to go down, right? Just like the people who are interested in sports and politics, that's the question, "Lord, if you could just give me a little indication of how this is going to go. Or could you just maybe wink in a particular direction or just kind of give me a little nudge here? You don't have to put out a big banner or a neon sign, just kind of give me a little..." Right? That's why you ask. That's why you listen. But it's so much easier to go to people.
But oftentimes what we find with people is heartache or confusion because of the multitude of voices. But He might speak through an experience. Something happens, and it just sorts itself out. And you didn't get a verbal answer, you didn't get it written in stone or a textbook dropped in your lap, you just had an experience and it sorted itself out by the grace of God, and then you have your answer, right? Like with your children if they're misbehaving, or if they're struggling with something, or if they're sad, or if they're rambunctious, or whatever, whatever it is, and you just can't seem to find the path through. And then it sorts herself out and you're like, "Aha! Okay, I didn't know that! So that's the answer." Right? It's a course of action sometimes that you're asking about. Like, "Do I reward them or do I punish them? Do I show mercy? Do I show judgment? What does my child need?" And you know, the answer to that is sometimes they do need mercy, and sometimes they do need judgment. How to discern between those two is very difficult, and there's no one that knows how to bring proper balance or perfect balance to those two—ah, what's the word I want to use?—to those two imperatives outside of the Lord God of Heaven. He knows better than anyone, so go to Him and ask Him about that, and you might be surprised. You're thinking, "This child needs a good spanking. This child needs discipline." And no, the answer is actually, "You need to show mercy, just as I've shown you mercy." And vice versa. You're thinking, "Oh, I just can't bring myself to punish them. I can't bring myself to correct them. That's just going to break their little spirit." And the Lord is saying, "Your child needs discipline. They need reined in. Because just as I have corrected you in love, your children need corrected."
So there's all these different voices that He has: other people, experiences. They have the burning in your own heart, you just feel like the Lord places a testimony or reveals to you in some way that this is the way to go. This is what's right. As you're pondering in your heart, like Mary pondered in her heart about all of the experiences that surrounded the birth and the growth and the maturity of her son as He became a man and as He entered into His ministry, it says it many times in the New Testament— Mary kept all these things and pondered them in her heart. And you're doing that, too, with your children because you love them, because you're interested, aren't you? You want to know how this thing's going to turn out. Well, God knows. God knows. And as you're pondering this in your heart, you'll have a voice. It may very well be an audible voice, folks. It may be a burning in your heart. It may be a still small voice, like a whisper of sorts. Maybe not a verbal direction, but he has— The Lord knows how to speak to his children; this is not hard for Him. He knows how to communicate. And He knows how to get through to you, as difficult as it is at times, because we're stubborn, aren't we? Or hardheaded. And we don't like being quiet. But He wants us to be still and to know that He is, and to know and to acknowledge that He cares about where you homeschool—the location in your house. And He cares about— I mean, we could mention all sorts of menial things that you would think are unimportant, but He cares about those things for you, because they're important to you and they're important to Him.
So there is a lot of anxiety, isn't there, surrounding missing the message? And, "So and so with their homeschool over there, see, they seem to be doing fine. And yet why are we struggling? And why can't we get it? And I'm missing the message. Like, what? Please help me." You need to go to the Lord and ask Him, and you need to quiet yourself. So you know— The problem may be— Consider this for a minute, the problem may be that you're not truly prepared to receive an answer. Right. Maybe you know the answer, but you're not ready to accept it yet. And you're dictating to God what the answer should be. Like, "Lord, I'm coming to you, I'm asking you this question, but I will not receive any answer unless it's this." Now, you may not have verbalized that to Him, but that's what's in your heart. And you're scared that the answer might be the opposite of what you want it to be. See, it doesn't work that way. Because here's how it is with me, I don't know about you, but I don't like talking to people who will not listen to me. And I don't mean like, do what I tell them to do, I mean who are engaged in a conversation. Do any of you all like talking to people where you feel like they've got their mind on other things? They're off staring at something else, they're looking at their feet, they're twiddling their thumbs, or whatever. I feel like, "Well, I'm just going to stop talking because what's the use?" I think the Lord is very similar to that. I think when He gets the sense or He recognizes that we're kind of twiddling our thumbs and we're not really listening, He stops talking. And He's going to wait until He has your attention again. And He recognizes that you're not ready to receive the answer that He wants to give you. And He might also be very concerned that if He gave you that answer when you're not ready and prepared to receive it, what you might do with it, and then it wouldn't take. He wants to wait for the time when your heart is open and ready to receive the correct answer, and then He will speak. So you've got to get yourself to that place where you're truly open, truly prepared to receive whatever answer it may be.
And for a lot of people, they're also not asking the right questions. So we see this a lot, too, in talking to people at conventions and whatnot. They're even asking the question, "Should I homeschool?" "Should I homeschool?" And so what's the nature of that question? I think a lot of times that question can be very honest, and other times it can be— It might be, again, one of those situations where you're like, "I'm not prepared to receive an answer." And when some people say, "Should I homeschool, Lord?," they're actually asking, "There's something in me that feels as if homeschooling is probably the better way, but I don't want to do that. And so please show me something that confirms my fear or my prejudice or my anxiety over the possibility of actually having to homeschool my children." So they're not ready to receive an answer yet. And that might also be because they're asking the wrong questions. They're saying, "Should I homeschool? Because I could never see myself doing that. I'm not patient enough, I'm not organized enough. I'm not educated enough. I'm not whatever— I'm not enough." Right? And they're asking the wrong questions and they need to go, and the Lord needs to direct them to somebody who can talk them through the process of homeschool. Like, "This is what homeschooling actually is. It's not anything like what you think it is. So just just take it easy and take a deep breath." And a lot of times when you talk to people like that and you walk them through what it's actually going to take to homeschool their children: just a lot of love, a lot of patience, but a lot of love—and patience is born out of love, by the way—when they realize that, they're like, "Oh, I was asking the wrong questions!" You see. So we all need to consider that. And I think we've all been there at some point in time.
And that's really the gist of what I wanted to share with you today. So I hope that this has helped or encouraged or spurred some of you on. There's no way of telling...for me to tell, what those questions are that you have in your heart or what you're struggling with. Let me tell you something, I'm there to. My wife and I, we are right there. We have questions. We have desires and we have unrealized dreams, and we're not quite sure how this is all going to shake out. With our oldest son, we're starting to see things materialize. He's graduated; he's almost through college. You know, things are starting to kind of come together, and you see the fruition of all the work that was put in years previous. And you also see areas in which you could have improved and you should have done better. See? And we're right there and we've got young children and we've got a baby on the way, so we're going to be doing this for a while. And they're all different and they all pose different challenges. And that's wonderful because you know what that all amounts to? What that amounts to is that they're going to keep driving us back to our knees. And that's where we need to be. Isn't that wonderful? That's where we need to be.
So here's something else that's a little stunning is that, I knew more about children and homeschooling with my first child than I did with my eighth. Which, isn't that strange? You know what I'm talking about. I knew way more about raising children, about homeschooling them when I was 22 than I do now at 43. And why is that? Well, it's the school of hard knocks, folks. And it's the slow, painful, gradual realization that you do not have all the answers. To be quite honest with you, you have zero answers. Just accept it. The answers that you have have been given to you by God. And the ones that He has proved, the ones that He has marked in your life—and that's like a signpost, that's like a memorial stone in your life—you hang on to those for all your worth and you listen to that voice. You don't listen to any other voices. And when you hear a voice that contradicts those markers in your life, you know exactly what to do with that. You don't have to be disrespectful. You don't have to be mean. And you don't have to go around tossing your opinions out in people's faces because, "Well, the Lord told me." No, you can just be happy and assured that the Lord loves you and that there was that instance in your life in which He reached down from heaven and He touched your life and He showed you something. And that should not puff you up, it should humble you. And we can't get enough of that voice in our life. So I hope this has helped in some way. I just pray that the Lord blesses you, and He continues to guide you, and He makes those issues clearer and gives you clear answers. I know He's willing. He's done that so many times for me, and I'm so thankful for it. And I know He will for you as well. So listen to that One Voice and be open to His direction and where He will direct you. It might be another person. It really might. But ask Him to give you the discernment to recognize it when it happens.
So again, the last thing I want to remind you, we're going to have a— On TheWellOrderedHomeschool.com we're going to be having a planner pre-sale up in the next few weeks. And again, I don't know when this episode is going to air, but it'll be early to mid January our pre-sale will hit. So look for that. We're really excited about the 2024/2025 edition of the Well-Ordered Homeschool Planner. We just are so thankful for all the feedback that we've gotten from you all over the years. We keep improving it every year because we're passionate about this. We're passionate about homeschooling, is what we're passionate about. And we just love to be able to offer a product that could potentially make life easier for you in your homeschool. And if you don't like planners, then that's fine. I don't want to sell you a planner because you do what works for you. But if you like planning and you need organization, and maybe even if you don't think you do, maybe you do, you might want to check out the Well-Ordered Homeschool Planner. So thank you again very much for your time and attention. I'm so grateful for the opportunity to be able to speak to you, and I pray that the Lord will bless you in the coming days and I will talk to you again soon. So goodbye for now.
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